9th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2017)
9th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2017)
July 3-7 2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
sponsored by
Rewriting is a branch of computer science whose origins go back
to the origins of computer science itself
(with Thue, Church, Post, and many other prominent researchers).
It has strong links with mathematics, algebra, logic, and theorem proving,
and it is the basis of well-known programming paradigms like
functional and equational programming.
In these programming paradigms and corresponding languages,
the notions of reduction,
pattern matching, confluence, termination, strategy, etc., are essential.
Rewriting provides a solid framework for understanding, using, and teaching all these notions.
Rewriting techniques are also used in many other areas of software engineering
(scripting, prototyping,
automated transformation of legacy systems, refactoring, web services, etc.)
Rewriting techniques play a relevant role in computing research, education, and industry.
The school ISR 2017 is aimed at master students and PhD students, researchers, and practitioners interested in the
study of rewriting concepts and their applications.
Earlier ISRs were organized in Nancy (2006), Nancy (2007),
Obergurgl (2008), Brasilia (2009), Utrecht (2010),
Valencia (2012), Valparaiso (2014), Leipzig (2015).
ISR has been initiated and is promoted by the
IFIP Working Group 1.6 on Term Rewriting.
There is also
general information
on ISR, including the Bylaws.
The rewriting home page provides some
general information on rewriting.
Just like earlier instances of ISR, the 9th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2017) will
consist of two tracks: a basic track an an advanced track.
Basic Track
The basic track is an
extensive introductory course in (term) rewriting, not assuming particular knowledge of rewriting.
It consists of a combination of lectures and exercises. The opportunity is offered to
conclude this track by an examination of 3EC.
Teachers of the Basic Track:
Aart Middeldorp
Sarah Winkler.
Advanced Track
The advanced track consists of the following 8 courses, typically filled by a
combination of lectures and practical exercises.
The intended
audience for this track consists of master students, PhD students and others that already
have basic knowledge in rewriting.
Participants of the Advanced Track were asked to hand in a poster and to
give a short presentation on that.
The best two posters by Florian Frohn and Franziska Rapp were awarded by
the ISR 2017 Best Poster Award during the dinner. These were
elected by a jury, based on
forms handed
in by participants and lecturers of ISR.
These are the
Benjamin Dupont:
Rewriting on String Diagrams and Categorification
Pavlos Marantidis:
Quantitative Variants of Language Equations and their Applications to
Description Logics
Franziska Rapp: FORTissimo:Automating the first-Order Theory of Rewriting
Antoine Defourne:
Proof Tactics in Dedukti
Francois Thire:
Interoperability between Arithmetic Proofs using Dedukti
Florian Frohn:
Automatic Complexity Analysis of Programs
Benjamin Lion;
A Compositional Formal Model for Cyber-Physical Autonomous System
Maciej Zielenkiewicz:
Automata Theory Approach to Predicate Intuitionistic Logic
Zach Smith:
Automated Verication of Security Properties in RFID Communication
Program Basic Track
date |
9:00-10:30 |
11:00-12:30 |
14:00-15:30 |
16:00-17:30 |
Monday, July 3 |
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Exercises 1
Tuesday, July 4 |
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Exercises 2
Lecture 6
Wednesday, July 5 |
Lecture 7
Exercises 3
Poster Presentations: Schedule
Excursion to Philips Museum, followed by dinner
Thursday, July 6 |
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Exercises 4
Friday, July 7 |
Lecture 11
Lecture 12
Exercises 5
Program Advanced Track
date |
9:00-10:30 |
11:00-12:30 |
14:00-15:30 |
16:00-17:30 |
Monday, July 3 |
Fuhs: Proving Program Termination via Term Rewriting 1/2
Sternagel and Thiemann: Formalizing Rewriting in Isabelle 1/4
Accatoli: The Complexity of Beta-Reduction 1/2
Kutsia: Solving Equational Problems: Matching and Unification 1/2
Tuesday, July 4 |
Accatoli: The Complexity of Beta-Reduction 2/2
Genet: Tree Automata for Reachability in Rewriting 1/2
Kutsia: Solving Equational Problems: Matching and Unification 2/2
Fuhs: Proving Program Termination via Term Rewriting 2/2
Wednesday, July 5 |
Genet: Tree Automata for Reachability in Rewriting 2/2
Sternagel and Thiemann: Formalizing Rewriting in Isabelle 2/4
Poster Presentations: Schedule
Excursion to Philips Museum, followed by dinner
Thursday, July 6 |
Waldmann: Weighted Automata and Rewriting 1/2
Sternagel and Thiemann: Formalizing Rewriting in Isabelle 3/4
Nagele and van Oostrom: Commutation 1/2
Mimram and Malbos: Two-Dimensional Rewriting and Applications 1/2
Friday, July 7 |
Nagele and van Oostrom: Commutation 2/2
Waldmann: Weighted Automata and Rewriting 2/2
Mimram and Malbos: Two-Dimensional Rewriting and Applications 2/2
Sternagel and Thiemann: Formalizing Rewriting in Isabelle 4/4
The program and further information is also available in pdf format.
All lectures will be given at the
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, in the builidng
Metaforum, Groene Loper 5, 5612 AZ Eindhoven
The advanced track will be in lecture room 12 on floor 4; behind this
room the coffee will be served.
The basic track will be in room 6.131 on floor 6 on Monday and Tuesday,
in lecture room 2 on the ground floor on Wednesday and Thursday, and in
lecture room 14 on floor 6 on Friday.
to get there?
A hotel should be arranged by yourself; possible hotels in the centre of Eindhoven on walking distance
to the university include Queen, The Student Hotel, Sandton, La Reine and Budget Hotel De Zwaan.
Lunches will be served in
De Zwarte Doos.
The excursion on Wednesday will be at 17:00 to the Philips
Museum, followed by a dinner at 19:00 in Restaurant
Sizzling .
For both the basic track and the advanced track the registration fee is 250 euros,
if registration is done no later than May 15, 2017.
After that the registration fee is 300 euros for the advanced
track; for the basic track it remains 250 euros.
This registration includes online access to all material,
coffee and lunches, and an excursion and dinner
on Wednesday, July 5.
Registration for ISR is done by sending an email to h.zantema@tue.nl,
containing name, institution with full address, and the
track for which you register. Apart from these basic data, some background and motivation is appreciated,
like whether you are a master or PhD student, your topic of interest and who is your supervisor.
After sending this email you will get a confirmation and further instructions.
There are 13 registrations for the basic track and
24 for the advanced track.
Important dates
May 15, 2017: early registration deadline
(Registration = 250 euros, after this date 300 euros for advanced track)
July 3-7, 2017: school
Organizing Committee
Last update: September 4, 2017