Journal papers of Hans Zantema
- H. Zantema,
Integer valued Polynomials over a Number Field,
Manuscripta Mathematica, 1982, volume 40, pages 155 - 203
- H. Zantema,
Global Restrictions on Ramification in Number Fields,
Manuscripta Mathematica, 1983, volume 43, pages 87 - 106
- A. M. Cohen and H. Zantema,
A computation concerning doubly
transitive permutation groups,
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte
Mathematik, 1984, volume 347, pages 196 - 211
- P. Timmers and H. Zantema,
Memphis 4000: Software Production Automated,
Philips TDS Review, 1986, volume 44, number 2, pages 1 - 21
- H. Zantema,
Minimizing Sums of Addition Chains,
Journal of Algorithms,
1991, volume 12, pages 281-307
- H. Zantema,
Longest segment problems,
Science of Computer Programming,
1992, volume 18, pages 39-66
H. Zantema,
Termination of term rewriting: interpretation and type elimination,
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 1994, volume 17, pages 23-50
- W. J. Fokkink and H. Zantema,
Basic Process Algebra with Iteration: Completeness of its
Equational Axioms,
The Computer Journal, 1994, volume 37, number 4,
pages 259-267
- A. Middeldorp and H. Zantema,
Simple Termination of Rewrite Systems,
Bulletin of the Section of Logic,
University of Lódz, 1995, volume 24, number 1, pages 31 - 36
- H. Zantema,
Termination of Term Rewriting by Semantic Labelling,
Fundamenta Informaticae, 1995, volume 24, pages 89-105
H. Zantema,
Total termination of term rewriting is undecidable,
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 1995, volume 20, pages 43-60
M. C. F. Ferreira and H. Zantema,
Total termination of term rewriting,
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 1996, volume 7, pages 133-162
- A. Middeldorp and H. Zantema,
Simple Termination of Rewrite Systems,
Theoretical Computer Science, 1997, volume 175, pages 127-158
- W. J. Fokkink and H. Zantema,
Termination modulo equations by abstract commutation with an application to
Theoretical Computer Science, 1997, volume 177, pages 407-423
- A. Geser and H. Zantema,
Non-Looping String Rewriting,
RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 1999, volume 33,
pages 279-301
- H. Zantema and H. L. Bodlaender,
Finding Small Equivalent Decision Trees is Hard,
International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science, 2000,
volume 11, number 2, pages 343-354
- H. Zantema and A. Geser,
A complete characterization of termination of 0^p 1^q -> 1^r 0^s,
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 2000,
volume 11, number 1, pages 1-25
- H. Zantema,
The termination hierarchy for term rewriting,
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 2001,
volume 12, pages 3-19
- H. Zantema and J. C. van de Pol,
A Rewriting Approach to Binary Decision Diagrams,
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming,
2001, volume 49, number 1-2, pages 61-86
- H. Zantema and H. L. Bodlaender,
Sizes of Ordered Decision Trees,
International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science,
2002, volume 13, number 3, pages 445-458
- A. Geser and A. Middeldorp and E. Ohlebusch and H. Zantema,
Relative Undecidability in Term Rewriting part I: The Termination
Information and Computation,
2002, volume 178, number 1, pages 101-131
- A. Geser and A. Middeldorp and E. Ohlebusch and H. Zantema,
Relative Undecidability in Term Rewriting part II: The Confuence
Information and Computation,
2002, volume 178, number 1, pages 132-148
- J. F. Groote and H. Zantema,
Resolution and binary decision diagrams cannot simulate each
other polynomially,
Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics,
2003, volume 130, issue 2, pages 157-171
- H. Zantema,
Termination of String Rewriting Proved Automatically,
Journal of Automated Reasoning,
2005, volume 34, pages 105-139
- A. Geser and D. Hofbauer and J. Waldmann and H. Zantema,
finite automata that certify termination of string rewriting systems,
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2005, volume 16,
issue 3, pages 471-486
- A. Geser and D. Hofbauer and J. Waldmann and H. Zantema,
On Tree Automata that Certify Termination of Left-Linear
Term Rewriting Systems,
Information and Computation, 2007, volume 205, issue 4, pages 512-534
- B. Badban and J. van de Pol and O. Tveretina and H. Zantema,
Generalizing DPLL and Satisfiability for Equalities,
Information and Computation, 2007, volume 205, issue 8, pages
- J. Endrullis and J. Waldmann and H. Zantema,
Matrix Interpretations for Proving Termination of Term Rewriting,
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2008, volume 40, pages 195-220
- R. Thiemann and H. Zantema and J. Giesl and P.
Adding constants to string rewriting,
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and
Computing, 2008, volume 19, number 1, pages 27-38
- M. Mousazadeh and B. T. Ladani and H. Zantema,
Liveness verification in TRSs using tree automata and
termination analysis,
Computing and Informatics, 2010, volume 29
- H. Zantema,
Well-definedness of Streams by Transformation and Termination,
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2010, volume 6, issue 3, paper 21,
27 pages
- J. Endrullis and H. Geuvers and J. G. Simonsen and H. Zantema,
Levels of Undecidability in Rewriting,
Information and Computation, 2011, volume 209, number 2, pages 227-245
- M. Raffelsieper and M. R. Mousavi and H. Zantema,
Long-run order-independence of vector-based transition systems,
IET Computers and Digital Techniques, 2011, volume 5, number 6,
pages 468-478
- H. Zantema,
A Problem from IMO 2010,
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 2011, volume 5-12, number 1,
pages 40-43
- A. Stump, H. Zantema, G. Kimmell and R. El Haj Omar,
A Rewriting View of Simple Typing,
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2013, volume 9, number 1
- E.P. de Vink and H. Zantema and D. Bosnacki,
RNA-editing with combined insertion and deletion preserves regularity,
Scientific Annals of Computer Science, 2013, volume XXIII, number 1, pages 39-73
J.F. Groote and H. Zantema,
De kans om Ganzenbord te winnen,
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Vol. 5/15, 2014, No. 4, pages 234-239
J.F. Groote and F. Wiedijk and H. Zantema,
A probabilistic analysis of the game of the goose,
SIAM Reviews, 2016, volume 58, number 1, pages 143-155
Turtle graphics of morphic sequences,
Fractals, 2016, volume 24, number 1
W. Bosma and H. Zantema,
Ordering sequences by permutation transducers,
Indagationes Mathematicae, 2017, volume 38, pages 38-54
D. Sabel and H. Zantema,
Termination of cycle rewriting by transformation and matrix
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2017, volume 13, number 1
H. Don and H. Zantema,
Synchronizing non-deterministic finite automata,
Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics, 2018, volume 23, number 4, pages 307–328
- H. Zantema,
Finding small counter examples for abstract rewriting properties,
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2018, volume 28, number 8, pages 1485-1505
- Ö. Akgün and I. Gent and S. Kitaev and H. Zantema,
Solving Computational Problems in the Theory of Word-Representable Graphs,
Journal of Integer Sequences, 2019, volume 22, article 19.2.5, 18 pages
M. de Bondt, H. Don and H. Zantema,
Lower Bounds for Synchronizing Word Lengths in Partial Automata,
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2019, volume 30, issue 01, pages 29–60
B. Broere and H. Zantema,
The k-dimensional cube is k-representable,
Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics, 2019, volume 24, number 1, pages 3–12
H. Don and H. Zantema,
Counting symbol switches in synchronizing automata,
Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics, 2019, volume 24, number 2-4, pages 253-286
H. Don and H. Zantema and M. de Bondt,
Slowly synchronizing automata with fixed alphabet size,
Information and Computation, 2021, volume 279, article 104614
H. Zantema and W. Bosma,
Complexity of Automatic Sequences,
Information and Computation, 2021, article 104710
H. Zantema and V. van Oostrom,
The paint pot problem and common multiples in monoids,
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and
Computing, to appear 2023