SUDOKU and other puzzles
De achterkant van SUDOKU: oplossen, programmeren en ontwerpen
In Dutch: boek geschreven door Hans Zantema, verschenen bij Aramith, Haarlem, oktober 2007, ISBN 978 90 6834 216 1
Sudoku puzzles: hoe los je ze op en hoe maak je ze?
In Dutch: presentatie op 4VWO dagen aan Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen op 13 februari 2009 en 17 april 2009
Variants on SUDOKU: 63 challenges
Killer SUDOKU: 27 challenges
SUDOconnect: a sudoku variant with a connectedness requirement
. This is joint work with Walt van Ballegooijen; the idea of considering this connectedness requirement is due to Hans Kuiper.
Link: latin squares with a connectedness requirement
Futoshiki puzzles
Lightup puzzles
Slitherlink: 60 newly created puzzles with solutions
. These are of different sizes and increasing difficulty. Apart from that there is a
second set of Slitherlink: 28 newly created puzzles with solutions
, all of size 7x7.